
libumem implements an abstraction for managing memory of a variety of storage devices in an unified manner. The core part of libumem is implemented in C for maximum portability but APIs are provided to other programming languages such as C++ that are often easier to use and provide better resource handling.

According to umem memory management abstraction, the data location is described by data address in the given device context. At the libumem C level, the data address is given as uintptr_t value and the device context is represented via C struct object that holds various memory managment methods such as allocation, dealloction, copying, etc. While these methods are specific to each storage device, libumem provides a uniform interface for all supported storage devices. In addition, methods are provided for keeping the memory areas of different storage devices in sync.

libumem provides also a C++ API that usage is highly recommended for its simplicity and robustness in managing memory resources.